policies and Expectations.

Classroom Rules

  • Be prompt to class.  If you arrive after the first 10 minutes of class, you will not be allowed to participate

  • Students are expected to be respectful to teacher and classmates

  • Cell phones need to be put on silent mode

  • Please use the restroom before or after class

  • Students 10 years and older are encouraged to wear deodorant

  • Hair must be pulled up and away from face.  Bun is required for ballet class

  • No hanging jewelry

  • No gum chewing, eating, or drinking in the classrooms.  Water only in classroomsFor the safety of the students, no one is allowed in any studio without a teacher present.

  • Be kind to your classmates and refrain from gossip.

  • Only water is permitted in the classrooms—no food, or drink unless it remains in the lounge.

  • No street shoes on the dance floors.

  • No cell phones allowed in the dance room. If phones remain in the lounge or the lobby all phones must be put on silent mode to avoid interruptions during class.

  • Arrive on time for class or slightly early.

  • Come to class dressed appropriately—follow the established dress code.

  • Hair must be pulled back and off the face and in a bun for ballet and in a pony for all other classes.

  • Show respect to your teachers and fellow classmates at all times.

  • Do not touch the mirrors (safety issue).

  • Do not hang on the ballet barres.

  • Pick up after yourself. Don’t pass by trash even if it isn’t yours, throw it away.

  • Please use the restroom before class begins.

Parent Expectations

  • Have your child arrive on time or slightly early to class.  It is a disruption to the entire class when arriving late.  Please remind your dancer to use the restroom before their class warmup begins. This will prevent any distractions caused by exiting and re-entering classes that are in session.

  • Please focus on your child only; parents must refrain from gossiping.

  • Please do not interrupt a class in session to talk to a teacher. If you need to speak with a teacher, please make arrangements outside of class time.

  • All cell phones must be on silent or turned off the entire time you are inside the studio and remain in the lobby. Absolutely no phones on the dance floor unless advised otherwise for recording purposes.

  • Dancers can bring snacks or food for in between classes and or breaks as long as it remains in the dancer’s lounge at all times!

  • No gum, food, candy or drinks (except water) will be permitted in the dance room at any time unless for a studio event or party!

  • Clean up after yourself. Messes must be cleaned up, food must be thrown away, dishes need to be taken home and no garbage should be left out. If the studio is left a mess we will issue one warning. If no improvement is made a final warning will be issued and the lounge will be temporarily closed. If there is still evidence of disregard to the property we will not allow food or drink on the premises except water and dancers will not be permitted to use the lounge or lobby for any reason! Dancers must exit the building within five minutes after being excused from class.

    Before Contacting

  • Important information is posted on the bulletin board located in the studio lobby.  In addition, the parent portal on our website is kept current with all important information.  Please check the bulletin board and the website regularly to stay up to date with all studio news. It is your responsibility to be up to date on all posted information such as class schedules, monthly calendars, recital requirements, and more. Most if not all informative forms or important information will be sent via email. Emails will be sent at the beginning of each month. Reminders and updates will go out through out the month.


  • We believe that there are many benefits you receive when investing in a dance education. The following are just a few advantages that will extend into all areas of your child’s life:

  • Development of coordination

  • Self confidence

  • Social skills and importance of teamwork

  • Self-discipline, self-pride, and responsibility

  • Creative expression through movement

    Studio Policy and Expectations:

    • RDA has a zero-tolerance policy regarding bullying. Negativity towards one another in all aspects is prohibited. If any student or parent chooses to break this policy, they both will be asked to leave immediately without any refund of any amount. This is our only no exception rule. 

    • Notify the studio if your child will be absent

    • Classes can be made up within 30 days in the same or lower level class.  Please see the front desk to schedule a makeup class

    • Students must be properly dressed for class before entering classroom

    • Students must wear cover-ups when walking outside of the studio

    • Please drop off and pick up students on time

    • No smoking inside or outside on the sidewalk


    • All tuition payments that are late are subject to auto-pay if more than 2 payments are paid after the 6th of the month not including tuition payments being made at midnight of the 5th of each month.

    • Credit cards that are declined will incur a $25 late fee.

    • We do not pro-rate tuition. Longer months make up for the shorter months. We follow Tooele School Districts calendar, if they don’t have school, they will not have dance unless instructed otherwise.

    Withdrawl Policy

    We require 15 days WRITTEN NOTICE VIA EMAIL to cancel your child’s enrollment. The notice must be given prior to the due date of the next month’s tuition which always occurs on the 1st of every month.  If notice is not given by the 15th of the month, FULL tuition for the following month will be charged to the card on your file.

    In addition, tuition cannot be placed “on hold” for a period of time.  If your child cannot attend classes, you must give notice prior to the 15th of the month in which your child will be dropped from enrollment.  Students wishing to re-enroll will have to again complete the registration process and you will be required to pay an additional registration fee.  We cannot guarantee that there will be space for the child to return to the same class. In order to assure our Winter and End of Year recitals happen on schedule without having to make changes last minute, there will not be any class withdrawals permitted between Oct. 21st-Dec. 31st and March 21st-May unless another dancer is enrolled and able to fill the spot. If spot is filled and drop-out form is completed, signed, and returned said class can be dropped without a refund of any kind!

    Dress Code

  • Jewelry of any kind is PROHIBITED

  • Hair must be pulled back into a bun or ponytail out of face

  • Street clothing, and pajamas are prohibited

  • Dance shoes are optional but are highly recommended

  • Absolutely no gum in class

    • Ballet dress code

      • Pink footed tights

      • Pink canvas ballet shoes

      • Black or dark colored leotard 


    Please respect all RDA dancer’s privacy by not posting pictures without a parent’s permission.  Do not post any practices, routines or any information about RDA without our permission unless the dance season has concluded.  We work very hard on our routines and do not want them shared before competition or performances.


    Hygiene is very important as our dancers work very hard.  Please encourage dancers to wear deodorant and clean clothes.  We do not want anyone to be embarrassed nor do we want distractions in the studio.  

    Parents are not allowed in the dance room while classes are in session. We are on a schedule and have classes every hour.  If you need to speak to a teacher, please schedule a time with them outside of business hours. When you hold up a teacher after class it can potentially make the next class begin late. Please be respectful of everyone’s time.  

    Students must be respectful of other students personal space and belongings.  Keep your hands to yourself and do not touch property that does not belong to you.  If lost property is found, bring it to the front desk where it will be placed in our Lost and Found.  Encourage dancers to not borrow anything without parent’s permission.  

    We have a strict "No Gossip" policy.  Do not talk to other parents about other children.  Speak to your dancer about this and encourage them to not partake in any gossip and hurtful behavior.  If you have any questions or concerns reach us by email or schedule a time to speak in person. We want an environment of community, team and family.  If any issues arise we will meet with the parents and dancers in private.  

    We appreciate the opportunity to share our love of dance with your child. We are looking forward to an exciting year for you and your child. We are ecstatic to help you create new and wonderful memories for your whole family. To ensure a positive experience for everyone, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.

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